5 Best Practices for Optimizing Your EV Charging Network

Looking to take your EV charging network to the next level? Check out our on-demand webinar "Charge Like a Pro: Unlocking the Secrets of Successful EV Networks" for expert insights, then dive into 5 more essential best practices below for optimizing your EV charging infrastructure.

Whether you’re deploying your own EV charging business, or currently install charging stations, optimizing your EV charging network is crucial for success in this rapidly evolving landscape. In this blog post, we'll explore five best practices to help you maximize the performance and profitability of your EV charging network.

1.) Strategic Site Selection and Planning

The foundation of deploying a successful EV charging network begins with thoughtful site selection and planning. Below are some key factors to consider.

Location, Location, Location

Choose high-traffic areas with extended dwell times. Retail centers, workplace parking lots, and multi-unit dwellings are prime locations where EV drivers are likely to spend significant time.

Visibility and Accessibility

Ensure your charging stations are easily visible and accessible. Clear signage and well-lit areas increase usage and driver satisfaction.

Flexible Certified Hardware Options

Decide what’s the best hardware to deploy at these locations. Businesses can save time and money by leveraging pre-commissioned stations from the manufacturer, making commissioning quick and convenient.

Get Qualified for EV Charging Incentives and Rebates

There’s been a ton of investment and growth in our existing infrastructure. For example, we see tremendous support from the federal government through NEVI, the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program and the 30C Tax Credit. There is also state and city infrastructure support from financial programs to clearing ways for permits to move faster. 


Proximity to restrooms, food options, and other amenities can make your charging location more attractive to drivers, especially for locations where drivers may spend 20-30 minutes during a charging session.

By carefully selecting and planning your charging sites, you lay the groundwork for a network that meets current needs and can grow with increasing demand.

2.) Implement Smart Charging Management Software

To optimize your EV charging network, you’ll want to leverage advanced charging management software and technology for reporting capabilities and network management.

Management Console

Data is a significant part of successfully growing a network which is why having a powerful management dashboard with access controls, pricing, reporting and more will help network operators and station owners simplify operations.

Access Management

With station access capabilities, station owners, site hosts and Charge Point Operators (CPOs) have control over who uses their chargers, when they can be used, and for how long.

Station Health 

Utilize data analytics and remote monitoring to predict and prevent equipment failures. A proactive approach minimizes downtime and improves overall station reliability.

Revenue Management

Managing the cash cycle for charging revenue is a critical aspect of running a successful EV charging network.

3.) Prioritize A Superb Driver Experience

A positive charging experience is critical for attracting and retaining EV drivers. Consider these best practices when it comes to providing for your customers and clients.

Intuitive Payment Systems

Offer multiple payment options, including credit cards, mobile apps, and RFID cards. Ensure the payment process is straightforward and reliable.

Clear Pricing and Information

Display charging rates clearly and provide real-time information on station availability. Transparency builds trust with your users.

24/7 Customer Support

Provide round-the-clock customer support to assist drivers with any issues they may encounter. This can be a key differentiator in a competitive market.

Accessibility Compliance

Ensure your charging stations comply with ADA requirements, making them accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

Multi-language Support

If your network serves diverse communities, offer user interfaces and support in multiple languages to accommodate a broader range of drivers.

Mobile App Integration

Develop or integrate with popular EV charging apps to allow drivers to easily locate your stations, check availability, and initiate charging sessions.

By focusing on user experience and accessibility, you can build a loyal customer base and positive word-of-mouth referrals for your charging network.

4.) Implement Robust Maintenance and Quality Assurance Processes

Reliability is paramount in the EV charging industry. Implement the following practices to ensure your charging stations  operate smoothly.

Regular Inspections

Conduct routine physical inspections of charging equipment to identify and address potential issues before they affect performance.

Remote Monitoring

Utilize remote monitoring systems to track station status, usage patterns, and performance metrics in real-time. This allows for quick identification and resolution of issues.

Preventative Maintenance Schedule

Develop and adhere to a preventative maintenance schedule for all charging equipment. This should include regular cleaning, software updates, and component replacements as needed.

Performance Benchmarking

Set key performance indicators (KPIs) for your network, such as uptime percentage, utilization rates, and customer satisfaction scores. Regularly review these metrics to identify areas for improvement.

Firmware and Software Updates

Stay current with the latest firmware and software updates from your charging equipment manufacturers. These updates often include important security patches and performance improvements.

By implementing robust maintenance and quality assurance processes, you can ensure your charging network remains reliable and continues to meet the evolving needs of EV drivers.

5.) Develop a Comprehensive Financial Strategy

To ensure the long-term success and profitability of your EV charging network, develop a sound financial strategy.

Diverse Revenue Streams

Explore multiple revenue streams beyond basic charging fees. This may include advertising on charging stations, or offering premium services like reserved charging times or campaigns with discount codes to attract EV drivers..

Pricing Optimization

Regularly analyze usage data and adjust pricing strategies to maximize revenue while remaining competitive. Consider implementing dynamic pricing based on time of day or demand.

Energy Cost Management

Work closely with utility providers to understand and optimize energy costs. Consider enrolling in demand response programs or implementing energy storage solutions to reduce peak demand charges.

Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis

Conduct regular ROI analyses to understand the performance of your charging network. Use this data to make informed decisions about network expansion or equipment upgrades.

Developing a comprehensive financial strategy ensures your EV charging network remains economically viable and positioned for long-term growth.

Charging Ahead: Powering Your EV Network's Success

Optimizing your EV charging network requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses strategic planning, advanced technology, user-centric design, rigorous maintenance, and sound financial management. By implementing these five best practices, you can create a charging network that not only meets the current needs of EV drivers but is also well-positioned to thrive in the rapidly evolving electric mobility landscape.

Are you ready to take your EV charging network to the next level? EV Connect’ s Charging Business Platform is an end-to-end software and services solutions to build, charge, manage, maintain, and grow charging networks. With 15 years of network management experience, we have the expertise and technology to help you build and optimize a world-class EV charging network. 

Register for our upcoming webinar, “The Ultimate Playbook for Building a Scalable EV Charging Business in 60 Days” to gain valuable industry insights and the steps necessary to grow your EV charging business.


Charging Forward: EV Connect Celebrates 15 Years of Innovation