Get Rewarded for Saving Energy
Reduce the energy output of your EV charging stations during peak hours and get paid for creating a cleaner, stronger grid.
Help Future-Proof the Grid
You can help create a cleaner grid and healthier community by lowering your energy costs. The best part? You are rewarded you for it. With EV Connect’s management software, we can modify the energy output of your EV charging stations during peak energy-use. You not only save money, you strengthen the power grid, improve the environment, and get paid for it.
EV Connect’s Grid Services Unlocks Revenue Opportunities For You
Earn value from your EV charging stations
Lower your energy bill during high-price time periods
Increase grid stability and prevent blackouts
Reduce carbon emissions and contribute to a green economy

How To Sign Up
Apply by emailing gridservice@evconnect.com
Sign up for EV Connect’s grid services for energy management between May 2021 - December 2021.
Get paid at the end of the program season.
Enroll. Save. Receive Payments.
Speak to one of our energy management specialists who will guide you through the experience and answer any questions you may have about the program.
Who is eligible?
EV Connect station owners located in New York or California with PG&E, SCE, or SDG&E as a utility.
How much will I earn?
It depends on how effective charging load is reduced compared to non-event days, and the real-time electricity price of the energy markets in California and New York. We estimate that you may be able to earn up to $24/kW/year in California and $60/kW/year in New York.
How will EV Connect curtail charging?
Based on your charging equipment firmware and your own preferences, you can either choose to reduce the power rating of your EV charger, or add an on-peak pricing during event periods to incentivize drivers to defer charging.
Dispatch and surge pricing scheduling is an automated process handled by EV Connect. You will not have to proactively do anything to participate during the event.
When do I need to be enrolled?
We recommend to enroll by April 30. Summer events are usually most lucrative and start in May.
Will I get notified?
Yes, we will send you an email after we receive event notification from grid service event aggregator. You will be notified the day prior to the event.
Can I opt out an event?
Yes, you can opt out of events.
How many events will there be and how long are events?
Events will last 1-4 hours between the hours of 4 - 9 pm. They have only occurred during times of grid stress, typically on very cold or very hot days, and sometimes can happen a few days in a row. For example, there were three dispatch events in New York in 2018, but no events in 2019 or 2020.
I am a participant of the SCE Charge Ready Program; can I also enroll?
No. All SCE Charge Ready projects are required to participate in the Charge ready demand response program for 3 years before becoming eligible for other grid service programs.