EV Charging in Washington DC
Reduce EV charging hardware and installation costs with EV Connect through Pepco's Public Charging Make-Ready Program before program funding runs out!
Expand EV Charging with EV Connect
EV Connect is the leading platform for managing electricity as a fuel while bringing convenient and reliable EV charging to businesses everywhere. Along with providing innovative EV charging management software, EV Connect will provide program approved charging stations that is backed by a parts and service warranty to ensure worry-free deployment from installation to operations. As an approved vendor registered with PepCo, we’ve got you covered from charging stations, software, parts and labor warranty, and 24/7 customer support– end-to-end solutions from EV Connect.
What is Pepco's Public Charging Make-Ready Program?
PepCo’s EVsmart Public Charging Make-Ready Program is on a mission to provide make-ready infrastructure for 55 public EV charging stations (35 Level 2 and 20 DC Fast Chargers) in Washington DC.
Program Highlights:
All applicants must obtain all required easements and agreements with site owners before submission. However, this is not required for government-owned right-of-way site installations.
What are the Program Requirements?
Pepco’s public make-ready program will accommodate a maximum of 5 Level 2 or 4 DCFC per location.
Eligible Locations Include: Public and Workplace Properties where chargers must be made available to public.
Get Help with Your Public Charging Make-Ready Program Application
Assessing your program eligibility and help submitting your rebate application
Helping you choose the right hardware and ensuring a smooth installation process
Providing 24/7 reliable support and station management to fulfill program requirements
Ready to Find Out If You Qualify?
PepCo is providing make-ready infrastructure to support the deployment of Level 2 and DCFC electric vehicle chargers for public use in the District. Now is the time to take advantage of this valuable incentive. As an approved vendor for the EVsmart program, we’ll help you every step of the way.
EV Connect Network Software
Simplify Your EV Charging Management Experience
Our charging management software simplifies the deployment, management, and optimization of EV charging stations for you and drivers.
Get access to tools to help control your energy costs and mange your EV charging stations. Plus, generate detailed reports to track station performance, energy usage, environmental impact and revenue all-in-one dashboard.
Control who has access to your stations and grant user permissions to ensure assigned drivers use your stations.
Set-up your own pricing fees with for different drivers while generating a new revenue stream. Plus, additional credit card support.
Our software is compatible with many charging station manufacturers to support different use-case and ensuring that you have the option to change hardware in the future, if needed.
Broader charging access through roaming integration with our partner charging networks, such as ChargePoint. Plus, premium features added to mobile app like Reservations.
Our experienced team has your covered from installation through station commissioning, including 24/7 ongoing support for you and your drivers.
Professional Services
O&M and Ongoing Support
EV Connect Shield
EV Connect offers a parts and labor warranty that provides end-to-end installation services and support to cover every operational and maintenance aspect of the charging station.
EV Charging-as-a-Service or “EV CaaS” is our all-inclusive subscription model that offers charging stations, software, 24/7 support with a labor and hardware warranty under a low monthly fee.
eBook: 5 Common Myths for Multifamily Properties
eBook: A Guide to Smarter EV Charging Management
eBook: EV Charging 101- Beginners Guide to Smart Charging